Feed specifications - Version 2
On this page we specify the requirements for xml feeds that we import. Please make sure the feed will include at least all of the mandatory fields as described here.
Sample feed:
329729 https://www.studentjob.at/stellenangebote/329729-event-servicemitarbeiter-m-w-d-fur-wien-und-umgebung Event- & Servicemitarbeiter (m/w/d) für Wien und Umgebung Catering Servicemitarbeiter (m/w/d) Service, Catering Wien 1010 10 40 parttime weekend fulltime_temporary gastronomie-jobs catering-jobs ahs andere bhs/ bms universität/ hochschule english german € 12.0 14.0 0 false 455462 https://www.studentjob.at/stellenangebote/455462-repack-much-e-u-sucht-frohnatur-m-w-d-in-wien repack much e.U sucht Frohnatur (m/w/d) VK- Assistent, Webshop Betreuung (m/w/d) Verkaufsabwicklung false Wien 1220 8 8 fulltime parttime weekend verwaltung-jobs verwaltungsassistent-jobs marketing-jobs kommunikations-mitarbeiter-jobs ahs andere bhs/ bms universität/ hochschule english german € 550.0 550.0 2 false
With our job openings we are trying to comply with the standard defined by schema.org, JobPosting, by doing this we are easier and better discoverable in google. With the new vacancy search system build by Google and already available in the US there are some extra requirements coming from Google as well with which we try to comply as much as possible.
The XSD for the xml can be found here: XSD
, Mandatory- The id in your own system, we use this to identify your job opening in our system. This must be unique per job opening.
, Mandatory- An url we can use to redirect the candidates to when they want to apply. Must be a string of at most 255 characters.
, Mandatory- The title of the job opening. Must be a string of at most 255 characters.
- The name of the function, for example: Account Manager. Must be a string of at most 35 characters and cannot contain ! or ?.
- The main responsibility of this vacancy, for example: Responsible for operational tasks. Must be a string of at most 255 characters and cannot contain ! or ?.
, Mandatory-
Either nationwide is present here, or city and postalcode combination.
, Mandatory- Flag indicating that this is a nationwide job opening. Must be a boolean.
, Mandatory- This city where this vacancy is taking place. Must be a string of at most 255 characters. The postalcode and the city should match for best vacancy experience!
, Mandatory- This contains the postalcode of this vacancy. Must be a string and a valid postalcode.
, Mandatory-
, Mandatory- A small introduction text for the job opening. This will be shown on the search results page of the job openings. Must be a string of at most 65535 characters.
, Mandatory- Describe the function, what you offer to the candidate, what you request from the candidate, and possibly some extra info.
The hours per week the candidate will be working. Please keep this in line with
you chose.<working_hours_min>
- Minimum amount of work hours
- Maximum amount of work hours.
, Mandatory-
List of
elements which contains the job type that are associated with this vacancy. At most one specified per<job_type>
element. Possible values are:- evening
- holiday
- voluntary
- work_from_home
- fulltime
- weekend
- internship
- parttime
- traineeship
- fulltime_temporary
- fulltime_experience
, Mandatory-
List of
elements which contains the function that are associated with this vacancy. There should be at least 1 function specified and at most 2.<reference>
, Mandatory- The reference of the function
, Mandatory-
List of
elements which contains the profession that are associated with this vacancy. At most one specified per<profession>
element. The profession is a sub specification of the function. There should be at least 1 and at most 2 professions specified.
- altenpfleger-jobs
- altenpfleger-jobs-catchall
- assistenz-jobs
- assistenz-jobs-catchall
- rezeptionistin-jobs
- sekretaerin-jobs
- telefonist-jobs
- beratung-jobs
- beratung-jobs-catchall
- jobs-berater
- controlling-jobs
- controlling-jobs-catchall
- jobs-finance-trainee
- jobs-finanzberater
- jobs-finanzen
- empfang-jobs
- empfang-jobs-catchall
- fahrer-jobs
- fahrer-jobs-catchall
- beifahrer-jobs
- chauffeur-jobs
- gabelstaplerfahrer-jobs
- kurier-jobs
- logistik-mitarbeiter-jobs
- lagerist-jobs
- paketzusteller-jobs
- postbote-jobs
- schubmaststaplerfahrer-jobs
- kommissionierer-jobs
- verkehrsplaner-jobs
- end-kontrolleur-jobs
- expedit-jobs
- gastronomie-jobs
- gastronomie-jobs-catchall
- catering-jobs
- stellenangebote-gastronomie
- gebaeudereiniger-jobs
- gebäudereiniger-jobs-catchall
- putzfrau-jobs
- jobs-betreiber
- jobs-hausmeister
- hr-jobs
- hr-jobs-catchall
- hr-mitarbeiter-jobs
- recruiter-jobs
- lohnbuchhalter-jobs
- instandhaltung-jobs
- instandhaltung-jobs-catchall
- it-jobs
- it-jobs-catchall
- app-entwickler-jobs
- c-net-entwickler-jobs
- entwickler-jobs
- it-trainee-jobs
- java-entwickler-jobs
- php-entwickler-jobs
- ruby-entwickler-jobs
- software-entwickler-jobs
- systemadministrator-jobs
- kultur-jobs
- kultur-jobs-catchall
- kundenservice-jobs
- kundenservice-jobs-catchall
- call-center-mitarbeiter-jobs
- kundendienstmitarbeiter-jobs
- helpdesk-angestellter-jobs
- webcare-angestellter-jobs
- management-jobs
- management-jobs-catchall
- manager-jobs
- hr-manager-jobs
- filialleiter-jobs
- salesmanager-jobs
- teamleiter-jobs
- supervisor-jobs
- betriebsleiter-jobs
- projektmanager-jobs
- marketing-jobs
- marketing-jobs-catchall
- kommunikations-mitarbeiter-jobs
- web-editor-jobs
- marketingangestellter-jobs
- medizinische-jobs
- medizinische-jobs-catchall
- online-marketing-jobs
- online-marketing-jobs-catchall
- online-vermarkter-jobs
- seo-spezialist-jobs
- paedagogik-jobs
- pädagogik-jobs-catchall
- dozent-jobs
- pflege-jobs
- pflege-jobs-catchall
- krankenschwester-jobs
- haeuslicher-pflegedienst-jobs
- haushaltshilfe-jobs
- produktion-jobs
- produktion-jobs-catchall
- produktionsassistenz-jobs
- projektmanagement-jobs
- projektmanagement-jobs-catchall
- promotion-jobs
- promotion-jobs-catchall
- hostess-jobs
- jobs-promotor
- sicherheitsdienst-jobs
- sicherheitsdienst-jobs-catchall
- technik-jobs
- technik-jobs-catchall
- tourismus-jobs
- tourismus-jobs-catchall
- training-jobs
- training-jobs-catchall
- verkauf-jobs
- verkauf-jobs-catchall
- ladenangestellte-jobs
- kassierer-kassiererin-jobs
- regalauffueller-jobs
- vertrieb-jobs
- vertrieb-jobs-catchall
- kaufmaennische-angestellte-jobs
- verkaeufer-jobs
- account-manager-jobs
- verwaltung-jobs
- verwaltung-jobs-catchall
- verwaltungsassistent-jobs
- back-office-mitarbeiter-jobs
, Mandatory-
List of
elements which contains the education type that are associated with this vacancy. At most one specified per<education_type>
element. Possible values are:- ahs
- andere
- bhs/ bms
- universität/ hochschule
List of
elements which contains the languages that are required for this vacancy. Possible values are:- other
- arabic
- chinese
- danish
- german
- english
- finnish
- flemish
- french
- greek
- hebrew
- italian
- japanese
- korean
- latin
- dutch
- norwegian
- polish
- portuguese
- russian
- swedish
- spanish
- taiwanese
- czech
- turkish
The salary that will be paid for this vacancy.
- Possible currencies: €, £, SEK, CHF
, Mandatory if you wish to add salary- The minimum salary for this vacancy.
- The maximum salary for this vacancy.
- The rate at which the amounts are considered: per hour, per week, per month, per year
- A flag that says if the candidate is required to have a drivers license. Must be a boolean.